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26 Eki 2022


Russia bans 45 foreign-owned banks or banking units from selling their shares

Russia bans dealing in capital of 45 foreign-owned banks or banking units, 26 October 2022

Russia...banned dealings in the shares or share capital of 45 banks or banking units, all either owned by parties in countries that Russia terms "unfriendly" or owned through foreign capital.

Western countries and allies, including Japan, have piled financial restrictions on Russia since it sent troops into Ukraine in late February. Moscow retaliated with obstacles for Western businesses and their allies leaving Russia, and in some cases seized their assets...

The list, published on Wednesday, included Russian units of Intesa, Credit Suisse, Raiffeisen, Citi, OTP bank and UniCredit Bank, as well as the Russian Yandex-Bank and Ozon-Bank...

Part of the following timelines

Ukraine: Global outrage over Russian invasion leads to sanctions, demands for businesses to divest

Ukraine invasion: Banks & financial institutions seek to cut ties with Russia