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7 Şub 2007

SACOM electronics report company responses 2007

SACOM report on working conditions in electronics factories in Shenzhen, China: Manufacturer & brand responses

Last updated 7 Feb 2007 [Note: Scroll down for HP & SACOM exchange]

The company responses below relate to the following report by Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM):

[DOC] English summary translation of SACOM report, provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre: "Clean Computers Campaign: Report on Labour Rights in the Computer Industry in China", Nov 2006

[DOC] Part 1: "Yonghong Electronics" - full English translation, SACOM, Nov 2006

[DOC] Full report in Chinese, Nov 2006

Manufacturer responses & non-responses

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited five of the electronics manufacturers in the SACOM report for a response.

Bestec response [DOC]

Delta Electronics response [DOC]

Fittec response [DOC]

Xinhao has not yet responded

Yonghong Factory / FSP Group have not responded

Brand responses

We invited six brands cited by SACOM as sourcing from some of the above factories to provide a response:

Dell response [DOC]

- Lenovo has said it will provide a response - when we receive it we will link to it here

Motorola response [PDF]

NEC response [PDF] 

Samsung response [DOC]

- TCL: No response received

Exchange between Hewlett-Packard and SACOM:

HP (Hewlett-Packard) response, 26 Jan 2007 [DOC] (HP sent the Resource Centre a copy of their response to SACOM for posting on this website)

  - SACOM reply to HP, 27 Jan 2007 [DOC]

  - HP reply to SACOM, 6 Feb 2007 [DOC]

  - SACOM reply to HP, 19 Feb 2007 [DOC]


Şirket Yanıtları

Bestec Power Electronics Yanıtı Görüntüle
Delta Electronics Yanıtı Görüntüle
Fittec International Yanıtı Görüntüle

Yanıt Yok

Motorola (now Motorola Solutions & Motorola Mobility) Yanıtı Görüntüle
Samsung Electronics Yanıtı Görüntüle
TCL Corporation

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Yonghong Electronics

Yanıt Yok

Yonghong Factory/FSP Group

Yanıt Yok

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