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7 Şub 2007

Compiled by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

SACOM report on working conditions in electronics factories in Shenzhen, China: Manufacturer & brand responses

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited five electronics manufacturers to respond to SACOM's report "Clean Computers Campaign: Report on Labour Rights in the Computer Industry in China". As of 17 Apr 2007: - Delta Electronics response provided - Fittec response provided - Bestec response provided - Yonghong Factory / FSP Group have not yet responded - Xinhao has not yet responded Also provided: - Responses by Dell, HP, Motorola, NEC, Samsung. - We have not yet received responses from Lenovo, TCL

Part of the following timelines

Shenzhen, China: NGO survey of working conditions in 13 electronics factories supplying 47 brands finds abuses including child labour, discrimination, excessive overtime

SACOM electronics report company responses 2007