Second Sugar Firm Taken to Thai Human Rights Commission [Cambodia]
Local rights groups have filed a complaint in Bangkok against a second Thai sugar firm with ties to business tycoon Ly Yong Phat accused of stealing homes and land from hundreds of poor farmers. Licadho and Equitable Cambodia filed the complaint with the Thai government’s National Human Rights Commission…against Mitr Pohl on behalf of 602 families in Oddar Meanchey province, who say the firm’s three plantations allegedly forced them out of their homes and off their land…The rights groups also accuse the plantations of killing their livestock and looting their crops. The police and military police are accused of beating some of the farmers and threatening them with violence or arrest…[refers to Khon Kaen Suger & Tate & Lyle; Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Mitr Phol Sugar to respond. Mitr Phol Sugar referred us to its previous response to Business & Human Rights Resource Centre dated 24 Jul 2012, provided.]