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30 May 2023

Sri Lanka Mirror

Sri Lanka: 5,000 garment workers set to lose jobs after the temporary closure of nearly 10 factories, amid continued decline in demand from buyers

"5,000 workers lose jobs over apparel factory closure!", 30 May 2023

About 5,000 employees have lost employment opportunities due to the temporary closure of nearly 10 garment factories in the past few months.

Three factories of a major clothing company, two factories each of two similar companies and factories of three other companies have been temporarily closed in Koggala, Meepe, Matale, Waturagama and Anuradhapura.

It was reported that some employees have been paid compensation while some organizations that temporarily closed their operations have given leave to the employees along with the basic salary.

Nearly 300,000 people work in 135 factories in 15 investment zones under the Board of Investment and 326 other registered factories.

Also, about 900,000 people depend on indirect income ways generated from these factories.

When questioned about the situation, Yohan Leverance, Chairman of the Garment Factory Owners’ Forum, said that this situation has arisen due to the decrease in demand from the main buyers of clothing, the USA and the European Union.

He said that the current orders are enough for another two to three months and expressed confidence that the situation will improve after September...

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