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24 Ara 2014

Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability

Statement of Civil Society on Latpataung Copper Mining Conflict

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[Civil society groups] from Myanmar strongly condemn current events arising in the Latpataung conflict and express concern that this hinders implementation of the EITI mechanism in Myanmar…The present situation…is one in which communities are experiencing the loss of: ancestral lands, livelihoods, social and economic welfare. Violent and forceful police responses to communities affected by land confiscations includes unjustly imprisoning community members and using violent force causing injury, bloodshed and death. The police response in Latpadaung…highlights human rights abuses due to mismanagement of natural resources by the respective authorities and foreign investors from extractive industry…[We] strongly condemn the behavior and the unnecessary use of excessive amount of force by the respective police officers and authorities from Wanpuang Company to solve the current Latpataung case…

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