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13 Ara 2022

Sentinel Digital Desk, The Sentinel Assam (India)

Tea plantation workers staged protest in Dibrugarh district

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The tea workers of the Lepetakata Tea Estate (Bolai Division) staged [a] protest on Monday under the banner of the Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha (ACMS) in protest against the garden's management to uproot 37 hectares of tea bushes for construction of an industrial unit.


Keot further alleged that the tea garden management kept the workers in the dark by misleading them that the tea bushes were being uprooted for replantation of new tea bushes whereas the real intention was to set up an industrial unit in the area.


"The tea garden workers are dependent on the tea garden and if the management will uproot the tea bushes then what will they do. They will become jobless. Before taking such a step, the garden management should think twice. We will intensify our movement if our demand is not met," said a protester.

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