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24 Nis 2024


The European Parliament votes in favour of the CSDDD

Today, on the 11th anniversary of the Rana Plaza’s collapse, the European Parliament took a step forward and voted to adopt the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).  With this vote, the EU Institutions are about to see the end of a long round of negotiations for corporate accountability.  

While the final text is weaker than the compromise agreed during the December trialogue, its importance should not be ignored, as it is a crucial step for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence.    

The text will soon move to the Council for its final vote and adoption. Once it is published in the Official Journal of the EU, it will enter into force twenty working days after publication. 

CIDSE and its member organisations believe that the transposition of the Directive into the national legal frameworks of Member States and its subsequent implementation will be the opportunity to go beyond the final text, to amend what has been watered down during the process and to adopt provisions that ensure the protection of people and our common home. 

CIDSE encourages Member States to consider downstream activities such as product disposal (including dismantling and recycling, composting, and landfilling) in the supply chain subject to due diligence and the inclusion of high-risk sectors.

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