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Şirketin Yanıtı

29 Eki 2019

Torex Gold Resources

Torex Gold Resources response

...Torex Gold knows nothing about the disappearance of Oscar Hernandez. That said, we don’t expect that such a statement from us would change the mind of anyone that believes otherwise.

At Torex we are very proud of what we have built and operate in a rather complex social environment in Guerrero State of Mexico. We have a productive relationship with the union and equally productive relationships with employees. We are particularly proud of the commitment our employees have made to working safely and protecting the environment. They are delivering top tier performance in those areas, as well as top tier performance in producing gold. They are a team that works very well together.

We strive to create a workplace experience that results in ‘everyone willingly giving their best’. That approach includes excellent pay, health care benefits, profit sharing, etc., but more importantly we create a workplace environment that employees want to be a part of and are proud to be a part of. Our employee turnover rate is about half of the average for the Mexican mining industry, and most that leave only do so to take a job that is closer to home and their families... 

Part of the following timelines

Mexico: Community activist & leader in campaign to unionise Torex Gold Resources goes missing, feared dead

Mexico: Torex Gold responds to 4 cases of killings and the one disappearance of labour rights defenders and workers in the Media Luna mine in Guerrero over the past 3 years