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26 Eyl 2022

Sandra Halliday, Fashion Network

UK: Boohoo reportedly cancelling & postponing orders with Leicester suppliers

"Boohoo delays and cancels orders - report", 26 September 2022

Boohoo has reportedly cancelled and postponed orders that were due from a number of suppliers as sales continue to be affected by consumer caution and rising prices due to soaring supply chain costs.

The Sunday Times reported that clothing suppliers in Leicester are feeling the biggest impact from the cancellations.

A Boohoo spokesman told the newspaper: “As is the case across a retail sector currently navigating uncertain demand, we are constantly reviewing our requirements.”...

As for today, one supplier also told the newspaper that “Boohoo has cancelled a load of orders. We are just here to do the fast stuff and when they don’t need it, they just stop it in its tracks”.


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