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20 Ara 2017

Ukraine, Serbia & Hungary: Report by Clean Clothes Campaign details poverty wages & poor working conditions in garment factories producing for global brands; incl. co responses

The report "Europe's Sweatshops" published by Clean Clothes Campaign documents poverty wages and poor working conditions in the garment and shoe industry throughout Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The report is presented together with new country research into the situation of workers in Ukraine, Serbia and Hungary. The factories featured in the report produce for many global brands, upon whom Clean Clothes Campaign is calling to start paying a living wage and to work with suppliers to improve working conditions.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the 53 brands named as sourcing from the countries featured in the report to comment, of which 19 responded: Arcadia, Armani, Burberry, Decathlon, Gucci, H&M, Marks&Spencer, Peter Hahn, PVH, s.Oliver, Schoeffel, Tesco, Versace, Esprit, Asos, Adidas, Hugo Boss, Inditex, C&A.

The following companies did not respond to our invitation to comment: Aster Textile, Bäumler, Benetton, Calzedonia, Dolce&Gabbana, Ermenegildo Zegna, Falc, Falcotto, Falke, Fori Textile, Geox, Golden Lady Company, Kirsten, Liz Claiborne, LVMH, Mango, Mart Visser, Max Mara Fashion Group, Mexx, Naturino, Next, Oui Gruppe, Peek&Cloppenburg, Pompea, Prada, Saint James, Schiesser, Stella McCartney, Steps, Strenesse, Triumph, Vero Moda, Wagner, Walbusch. 

All responses/non-responses are available below.

Şirket Yanıtları


Yanıt Yok

Stella McCartney

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Calzedonia (part of Calzedonia Group)

Yanıt Yok

Ermenegildo Zegna

Yanıt Yok

Golden Lady Company

Yanıt Yok

Oui Gruppe

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Aster Textile

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Fori Textile

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Vero Moda (part of Bestseller)

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Mart Visser

Yanıt Yok

Peek & Cloppenburg/Van Graaf

Yanıt Yok

Saint James

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Liz Claiborne (part of J.C. Penney)

Yanıt Yok

Mexx (part of RNF Holding)

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Dolce & Gabbana

Yanıt Yok

Triumph International

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Benetton Group

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) Yanıtı Görüntüle
PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen) Yanıtı Görüntüle
Giorgio Armani Yanıtı Görüntüle
s.Oliver (part of s.Oliver Group) Yanıtı Görüntüle
Arcadia Group Yanıtı Görüntüle

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