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27 Şub 2024

President of Confederation of Employers of Ukraine

EU: President of the Confederation of Employers of Ukraine welcomes Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

On 23 February 2024, the President of the Confederation of Employers of Ukraine wrote to EU decision makers, calling on them to adopt the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD):

The Ukrainian business community is committed to unlocking the great potential of Responsible Business Conduct (RBC). Fair labour conditions, transparent and resilient supply chains and improved access to investments are just a few of the positive effects it offers. We have already started on this critical journey. For example, the Confederation of Employers of Ukraine has for some time been leading efforts to scale up the employment of people with disabilities. It is also spearheading action to prevent forced labour and human trafficking.

It is in this spirit, that we commend the European Union's ambition to finally adopt a comprehensive legal framework on RBC, the so-called Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) very soon. The CSDDD builds on the EU’s existing commitment to advancing RBC in partner countries by helping ensure that EU companies adopt meaningful approaches to tackling human rights and environmental impacts. The ILO has welcomed the proposal. And in a recent statement, six UN entities have called this a "landmark piece of legislation" and stressed that its adoption "would represent a significant advance in the global efforts to respect, protect, and fulfill children’s rights and human rights, support gender equality and address environmental challenges, as well as boost efforts to create a level playing field for businesses".

It is of utmost importance for Ukraine and many other business partners of the European Union to rely on long-term and trusting relationships with the EU's private sector. It is precisely in times of political crisis and economic challenges that defending the universal rights and fundamental values that unite us can strengthen the foundation for a brighter future.

[statement attached as PDF]

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