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20 Oca 2023

// Le Monde (France) avec AFP

Ukraine/Russia: French prosecutor dismisses complaint against Total over "complicity in war crimes"

"Charges dismissed against TotalEnergies for 'complicity' in Ukraine war crimes", 16 Jan 2023

The France-based Darwin Climax Coalition and Ukrainian group Razom We Stand filed the complaint in October, faulting TotalEnergies for a stake in a firm which exploits a Russian natural gas field supplying products that are eventually refined into jet fuel.

France’s anti-terrorism prosecutors confirmed on Monday the complaint had been closed with no further action after an “exhaustive legal and factual analysis of all the elements submitted by the complainants and, at its own initiative, TotalEnergies”.

Lawyers for the two associations said they plan to contest the decision and accused the prosecutors of bowing to political pressure...

TotalEnergies had vehemently contested the allegations, saying all of the gas condensates had been exported abroad.

Part of the following timelines

Ukraine: Global outrage over Russian invasion leads to sanctions, demands for businesses to divest

Ukraine: Global outrage over Russian invasion leads to sanctions, demands for businesses to divest

Ukraine invasion: Companies with interests in Russian oil & gas forced to reassess operations

TotalEnergies accused of supplying fuel to Russian warplanes; co. denies accusations