US: Customs and Border Protection detains imports from glove manufacturer Brightway over alleged forced labour
Date Reported: 20 Ara 2021
Lokasyon: Malezya
Ansell - Buyer , Brightway Holdings - EmployerEtkilenenler
Total individuals affected: 781
Göçmen ve göçmen işçiler: ( Sayı bilinmiyor - Lokasyon bilinmiyor , İmalat: Genel , Gender not reported )Meseleler
Zorla çalıştırma ve modern kölelik , Precarious/Unsuitable Living ConditionsYanıt
Response sought: Hayır
Action taken: In October 2024, it was reported that the U.S Customs & Border Protection, which had barred imports of disposable gloves, had allowed Brightway and its subsidiaries to resume exports to the USA after the company had "taken actions to fully remediate the forced labour indicators within its manufacturing process".
Source type: Government publication
CBP issues Withhold Release Order on Brightway Group
[…] Effective December 20, 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel at all U.S. ports of entry will detain disposable gloves produced in Malaysia by Brightway Holdings Sdn Bhd, Laglove (M) Sdn Bhd, and Biopro (M) Sdn Bhd (collectively, Brightway Group).
CBP issued a Withhold Release Order against Brightway Group based on information that reasonably indicates the use of forced labor in that entity’s manufacturing operations. CBP identified 10 of the 11 International Labour Organization’s indicators of forced labor during its investigation. […]