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23 Ara 2014

[Video] TV host claims clashes with Chinese-owned copper mine in Myanmar were set up

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[English-language summary of key points from the Chinese original video provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.  Wanbao Mining provided a link to this video to Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

Regarding conflicts at the copper mine in Letpadaung, Myanmar, TV host and deputy editor Lu Ningsi of Chinese Phoenix Television says that according to information from Wanbao Mining, the company carried out the expansion project in accordance with the Burmese law, and that Aung San Suu Kyi’s investigation committee declared that the operation could go forward, given alterations are made. Wanbao Mining says it received an approval rating of 71%, with signatures, after consultations with the local community, which is above the international standard. In each village, Wanbao has also set up access to fresh water and electricity, built roads, bridges, hospitals and schools and had launched an unemployment fund. The environmental impact assessment was carried out by an Australian company and was ready to submit the final report to the Burmese government…The incident started on 22 December 2014, when villagers surrounded the police, armed with rocks, knives and bows. In self-defence the police shot and killed a woman…Later in the night some organized protests at the Chinese embassay, which attracted more than 60 journalists. On 23 Dec, the villagers adjusted their strategy and did not bring any weapons to display their vulnerable image...These shows that these were set up...Wanbao Mining issued a statment declaring strongly against violence, and says that consultation is the best way to settle disputes…

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