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7 May 2023

Vietnamnet Global

Vietnam: Two years post-pandemic, workers & communities are not recovered from order & contract cuts, temporary suspensions & reductions in hours

“Building a sustainable labour supply chain: struggles and solutions” 7 May 2023

…After enduring the effects of the pandemic for two years, employment opportunities in the region have become unstable, with many workers experiencing abrupt reductions in work hours, temporary suspensions, or job loss in the late months of 2022 and early months of 2023 due to a lack of customer orders and capital to maintain operations.

Though it's a situation that nobody wants to be in, the unpredictable developments in life, such as the pandemic and the market, have made it increasingly difficult for workers to find and maintain employment…

V. T. Thoa, an employee of PouYuen Vietnam Co. Ltd., in Bình Chánh District, HCM City, has been searching for a new job since her contract was terminated...

Another employee, L.M. Ngọc, currently working at the Tỷ Hùng Co. Ltd., in Bình Tân District, HCM City, was disheartened when she lost her employment due to the company's dearth of orders and the need to scale back production and operations.

Like many of her coworkers still employed at the company, Ngọc was concerned when she realised there were no longer any job opportunities and it would be difficult to avoid unemployment. She is genuinely concerned about the future and unsure what to do or where to go…

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