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24 Ara 2014

Kyaw Kha, Irrawaddy (Myanmar)

Villagers File Complaint Over Police Killing of Protestor at Copper Mine

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…Salingyi Township Police Station chief Col. Aung Kyaw said family members of Khin Win, a 56-year-old woman who died during the [Letpadaung copper mine] unrest...had registered their complaint at the station…Authorities spared no efforts to secure the [mining] area for the company, as dozens of police patrolled the area and placed huge rolls of barbed wire along the perimeter of the latest land seizures. The mining complex was being further secured by high fences and the installation of watch towers, while tailings produced by the mine are being dumped to form a barrier along the edge of the area. Tensions flared up near the Letpadaung copper mine…after Wanbao company workers began clearing land with bulldozers and fencing off more than a dozen acres of farmland in Hse Tae Village as part of the planned expansion of the mine…

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