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22 Ara 2014

Thomas Fuller & Wai Moe, New York Times

Woman Killed While Protesting Chinese Copper Mine in Myanmar

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A villager protesting the expansion of a Chinese copper mine in Myanmar was shot and killed…in the latest bout of violence to mar the project…Villagers reached by telephone said the slain woman, Daw Khin Win, 56, was shot by security forces as the police and Chinese employees of the mine were erecting a fence in one of the villages where land had been seized for the expansion of the operation. More than a dozen people were wounded in clashes with security forces, witnesses said…The shooting came the same day the operators announced an expansion of the mine requiring that land in 35 nearby villages be seized…Farmers are protesting both the land seizures and the environmental damage from the enormous piles of tailings that surround the mine…

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