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Şirketin Yanıtı

19 Mar 2018


Woolworths' company response to allegations about gambling-related practices

28 February 2018

Woolworths Group Chairman, Gordon Cairns, said: "We are concerned with the allegations regarding the ALH Group as reported in today’s Fairfax press. We and ALH take our responsibilities in gaming and the service of alcohol very seriously.

"At Woolworths, our priorities and values must always match those of our customers and communities we operate in and this includes taking important steps to ensure we, through ALH, are a responsible gaming operator.

"At its last Annual General Meeting, Woolworths reaffirmed its commitment to being the leader in responsible gaming which is conducted through its joint venture with ALH. In late 2017 ALH engaged Canada’s Responsible Gambling Council, an independent non-profit organisation dedicated to problem gambling prevention, to conduct an independent review of ALH’s gaming operations. ALH will expand RGC’s review to include the allegations raised by the former ALH employees and Mr Andrew Wilkie. We would encourage them, Mr Wilkie and any others with relevant information to be part of the independent review."

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