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Şirketin Yanıtı

11 Tem 2006

Yamana Gold

Yamana Gold response to Business & Human Rights Resource Centre regarding concerns about environmental impacts and alleged harassment of villagers & journalists, San Andrés mine, Honduras

“Yamana Gold takes its responsibilities for the environment and employee and community relations very seriously and makes every possible effort to ensure sustainable mining operations. It is our understanding that the characterization of events that took place at Minerales de Occidente Yamana Gold was quite different than described in the La Prensa article dated July 4th, 2006...

Bu, şuna yanıttır

Concerns about environmental contamination at mine [Honduras]

Hikâye 4 Tem 2006

Part of the following timelines

Honduras: Pobladores denuncian contaminación causada por Minerales de Occidente - la empresa dice que recientes lluvias la obligaron a descargar sus pozos al río

Concerns about environmental contamination at mine [Honduras]