Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt's response to the allegation of pollution caused by CDM
Thank you for reaching us regarding the concerns raised in the article titled “Lukuni gare: Comment CDM, une société minière chinoise, pollue l’air près de Lubumbashi” published on 10 November 2024.
At Congo Dongfang International Mining (CDM), we are deeply committed to environmental stewardship and upholding the highest standards of corporate responsibility, attached is the Huayou ESG Policy for your review. We take allegations of environmental pollution very seriously and value transparency in addressing community concerns.
CDM has launched an internal investigation into the allegations of air pollution in Lukuni Gare village. Currently we don’t revceive any complains from the commmunities. More critically, CDM organizes internal audits on production environmental pollution annually to continuously improve performance management. We have a robust community engagement framework in place and are actively liaising with representatives from Lukuni Gare to understand their concerns and ensure our activities are aligned with community well-being.