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16 Nis 2024

Cambodia: Over 10,000 garment factories face suspension or termination across eight factories; incl. co. responses

In August 2023, it was reported that over 10,000 garment workers from eight factories, (including Quantum Clothing, Wanlin Zongheng Garment Factory, TFG Garment, Tripos International, Shoe Premier II, M&V International Manufacturing, Meng Da Footwear Industrial and Can Sports Shoes) had been suspended or terminated since July 2023, with the factories allegedly telling workers ahead of their suspension and termination that there were no raw materials, no buyers, and supply and demand were not equal.

In March 2024, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Lacoste (allegedly sourcing from Quantum Clothing), Marks & Spencer (allegedly sourcing from Quantum Clothing, Tripos International and Shoe Premier II), Next (allegedly sourcing from Quantum Clothing), Ralph Lauren (allegedly sourcing from Quantum Clothing and M&V International Manufacturing), Calzedonia (allegedly sourcing from Wanlin Zongheng Garment factory) Pimkie (allegedly sourcing from Wanlin Zongheng Garment factory), Clarks (allegedly sourcing from Tripos International and Shoe Premier II), Fitflop (allegedly sourcing from Tripos International), Deckers Brands (allegedly sourcing from Shoe Premier II), VF Corporation (allegedly sourcing from Shoe Premier II), Cabi (allegedly sourcing from M&V International Manufacturing), J.Crew (allegedly sourcing from M&V International Manufacturing), MANGO (allegedly sourcing from M&V International Manufacturing), Michael Kors (allegedly sourcing from M&V International Manufacturing), adidas (allegedly sourcing from Meng Da Footwear Industrial and Can Shoes) to respond. The responses can be found below.

Şirket Yanıtları

Michael Kors (part of Capri Holdings) Yanıtı Görüntüle
Deckers Brands Yanıtı Görüntüle
Pimkie (part of Association Familiale Mulliez) Yanıtı Görüntüle
Lacoste (part of MF Brands) Yanıtı Görüntüle
VF Corporation Yanıtı Görüntüle
Calzedonia (part of Calzedonia Group)

Yanıt Yok


Yanıt Yok

Ralph Lauren Yanıtı Görüntüle

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