Kleang Soben - Labour Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU)
On December 18, 2021, the Labour Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU) launched a strike to protest the entertainment company NagaWorld management’s alleged refusal to negotiate concerning the forced mass redundancy of over 1,300 workers in April 2021. The union was demanding, among other things, the reinstatement of 365 workers. They had refused to accept termination packages from the Hong Kong-listed casino group NagaCorp.
On December 31, 2021 police raided LRSU’s office and arrested 8 trade unionist: Kleang Soben, Sun Sreypich, Hai Sopheap, Ry Sovanndy, Rin Phalla, Eng Sreybo, Sun Sreymom, and the senior trade unionist Chhim Sokhorn. Later, police also arrested a ninth union member, Touch Sereymeas. The police claimed that arrests were made because of the union’s ‘illegal strike’ affecting public order and social security. Another LRSU member, Choup Channat escaped the attempted arrest.
On January 3 and 4, 2022, other LRSU members were charged or arrested for ‘incitement’ because of their role in the strike, namely LRSU President Chhim Sithar, Sok Narith and Sok Konkhea. 17 more protesters were also arrested later that evening.
On 25 May 2023, Phnom Penh municipal court sentenced Chimm Sithar to two years in prison for social unrest and a strike. Chhim Sokhorn, Hai Sopheap, Kleang Soben, Sun Sreypich and Touch Sereymas were sentenced to one year and six months. Sok Konghea, Sok Narith, and Ry Sovandy — were given one-year suspended sentences.