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23 Şub 2015

Media coverage: Myanmar Foreign Investment Tracking Project

Tüm etiketleri gör

Myanmar's new government inherits problems and promise of special economic zones, Vani Sathisan and Bobbie Sta. Maria, Reuters, 1 April 2016

How responsible are foreign investors?, Irene Pietropaoli and Bobbie Sta. Maria, Myanmar Times, 2 March 2015

The Irrawaddy Business Round, Simon Lewis, The Irrawaddy, 28 February 2015

Burma's human rights abuses highlight alarming corporate corruption, Bobbie Sta. Maria and Irene Pietropaoli, The Guardian, 20 February 2015

Long way to go for foreign investment and human rights in Burma, Casey Hynes, Asian Correspondent, 25 February 2015

Foreign investors silent or evasive on human rights commitments, The Nation, 23 February 2015

Time for local human rights defenders to monitor transnational corporations in Myanmar, Maung Ne Lynn Aung, 19 February 2015

Most foreign investors evasive on human rights commitment: report, Mizzima, 19 February 2015

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