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1 Ara 2021

Qatar: Norwegian journalists reporting on conditions of migrant workers arrested

A total of three Norwegian journalists reporting on the impact of the Qatar World Cup on migrant workers' rights in the country have been detained.

Two Norwegian journalists investigating conditions for migrant workers in Qatar ahead of the 2022 Fifa World Cup were arrested and detained for 36 hours as they tried to leave the country on Sunday 21 November.

A spokesperson for the Qatari Government said they were arrested for "trespassing on private property and filming without a permit".

The journalists, Ekeland and Ghorbani had been in Qatar since 14 November and were due to meet Abdullah Ibhais, the former communications director for the 2022 World Cup organisers, who has since publicly criticised the Qatari regime. However, Ibhais, who is appealing against a five-year prison sentence for corruption, was arrested hours before the planned interview.

Josimar editor Havard Melnaes was also detained while leaving his hotel after he reportedly intervened in an altercation between another guest and two hotel workers. He was kept in solitary confinement for 24 hours before being released.

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