KnowTheChain eylemler
Information in this section obtained through company survey responses, public statements and/or policies. Implementation of actions not verified by suppliers, workers, HRDs or affected communities.
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Infineon Technologies KnowTheChain benchmark scorecard
Infineon Technologies KnowTheChain benchmark scorecard
Kaynak: Infineon Technologies KnowTheChain benchmark scorecard 2018KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their supply chains.
Alınan anlık görüntü: 01 Ocak 2018 00:00Belgenin tamamını gör
Infineon Technologies KnowTheChain benchmark scorecard
Kaynak: Infineon Technologies KnowTheChain benchmark scorecard 2020KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their supply chains.
Alınan anlık görüntü: 01 Ocak 2020 00:00Belgenin tamamını gör
Infineon Technologies KnowTheChain benchmark scorecard
Kaynak: Infineon Technologies KnowTheChain benchmark scorecard 2022KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their supply chains.
Alınan anlık görüntü: 01 Ocak 2022 00:00Belgenin tamamını gör
Yanıt talepleri ile ilişkili hikâyeler ? Bu hikayelerde dile getirilen iddialara ilişkin Infineon Technologies şirketlerden yanıt istiyoruz. Find out more Şirket Yanıt Mekanizmamız hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin.
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KnowTheChain ICT 2020
? KnowTheChain is a resource for companies and investors to understand and address forced labour risks within their global supply chains.En ilişkili ülkeler
Infineon Technologies has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.
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