Casino Bavet-Moc Bai 未有对(XX)作出回应
柬埔寨:警方突袭行动解救逾千人后,25 名外国人因非法网络赌博罪接受法庭讯问
S. Korea: Police arrest 18 individuals involved in Cambodian call centre scam & recruitment fraud
Cambodia: 12 Japanese workers allegedly deceived by false advertising & forced to work believed to be victims of human trafficking
Cambodia: 14 Indians rescued from scam compounds; three suspects arrested on charges of trafficking and illegal detention
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: 360 Indians rescued from scam compounds after being lured and forced to use social media apps to scam victims
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: 250 Indians rescued from cyber-scam compounds; they are forced to scam victims for money
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Crack-down on call scam along the border with Thailand leads to the rescue of 19 Thai nationals
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Indonesia and Thailand urge Cambodian govt. to protect their nationals from online scams
适用语言: English -
Casino Bavet-Moc Bai did not respond to allegations of online scam operations
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Cambodian authorities dispute Indonesian govt.'s claims that 41 Indonesians are victims of forced online scammers; company does not respond
适用语言: English -
Cambodia & Taiwan: Taiwan approve amended bill to tighten measures to combat organised crimes and human trafficking following numerous Taiwanese victims in job scams
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Preah Sihanouk Provincial authorities dismiss BBC's documentary detailing scam operations & human trafficking
适用语言: English -
Cambodia & Taiwan: Taiwanese court sentence nine defendants to between 11 & 18 years imprisonment for their roles in human trafficking and job scams
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Foreign victims of trafficking recount their experiences and conditions in scam compounds trapped in Cambodia
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Cambodia & Thailand commit to cooperate to crack down online scamming & human trafficking syndicates
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Govt. pledge to hunt down human trafficking syndicates as they appear to relocate to other areas across the country after crackdowns
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Indian authorities rescue over 100 of their nationals tricked to work in job scams from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Govt. rescue 75 foreign victims of human trafficking in Oddar Meanchey province in ongoing efforts to combat surging online scams and human trafficking
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Authorities rescue and repatriate 80 Indian victims of job scams from Cambodia; Indian govt. warn of fake job scams
适用语言: English -
Cambodia: Taiwanese authorities claim that they rescue and repatriate 246 victims from online scams in Cambodia; further actions required to prevent scamming & human trafficking
适用语言: English -
柬埔寨:执法部门扫荡西港园区 近500人涉网赌、非法拘禁和人口贩卖被扣
Cambodia: Victims from South East Asia become victims of job scams and forced labour in Cambodia; scammers target young high-skilled job seekers with fake high pay promises
适用语言: English -
台湾:高雄破获诈骗集团诱骗50人至杜拜打工 受害者疑遭囚虐待
柬埔寨:犯罪集团诱骗外国劳工到经济园区 人口贩运问题恶化 受害人遍布中港台澳
Cambodia: Over 2,000 Taiwanese reportedly stranded as rights groups decry human trafficking and forced labour crisis
适用语言: English -
Taiwan: Call to action on heightened human trafficking risks in Cambodia
适用语言: English -
柬埔寨:多国大使馆发安全警示 人权组织联合呼吁柬埔寨政府彻查人口贩卖和奴役犯罪活动
柬埔寨:中国工人拒绝参与网络诈骗 半年累计被迫抽血七次
柬埔寨:中国劳工被骗到海外从事网络诈骗、卖淫等活动 六十多个未成年人获救
柬埔寨:犯罪集团于“一带一路”重镇西港中国城建“数字工业投资园”从事网络敲诈 当中涉及人口贩卖和暴力问题
Cambodia: Govt. bans online gambling and the ban prompts about 400,000 Chinese nationals to leave Cambodia
适用语言: English