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Fundación Pachamama

Ecuador: Court suspends hydroelectric project and upholds rights of Kichwa People and the Piatúa River

"The Piatúa River Case," 01 Jan 2021

Piatúa is a sacred natural element for the Kichwa communities that settle on its banks... In 2017, the Ministry of the Environment, [allegedly] omitting the processes of prior, gratuitous, and informed consultation and without the consent of the Kichwa People of Santa Clara, signed a concession contract with the company GENEFRAN S.A. and authorized the execution of a hydroelectric project in the Piatúa River for 40 years...

In 2019, a filing of a protection action for the violation of the collective rights of the Kichwa People of Santa Clara and the violation of the rights of nature of the Piatúa River occurred. The action was presented jointly by the Kichwa communities of Santa Clara, The Fundación Pachamama, the Pastaza Ombudsman's Office, the PUCE Human Rights Center, the Río Napo Foundation, and CONFENIAE. The Provincial Court of Pastaza accepted the action and declared the violation of rights of the communities and the river.

As a comprehensive reparation measure, it suspended the hydroelectric project in Piatúa and withdrew the authorization benefitting the river flow. At the same time, it revoked the environmental license authorized by the Ministry of the Environment for the development of the hydroelectric project.