India: Worker killed in machine accident at Assam estate, incl. co. responses
In July 2023, it was reported that a worker had lost their life in a machine accident at the Dufflaghur Tea Estate in Gohpur. Police launched an investigation into the incident. The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre asked Tesco, Ringtons, Finlays, Teasup, Starbucks, Unilever and Tetley for a response as recent buyers of tea from the estate in question according to their publicly disclosed supplier lists. Lipton Teas and Infusions was also asked for a response, as it took over most of Unilever's tea business (as ekaterra) in 2022. Teasup responded that the estate is no longer part of its supply chain, following a change of ownership and consolidation of its supply chain. Full responses are included below.