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Kathy Yamzon, Manila Today

Philippines: Jollibee faces protests from workers asking for better benefits and security of tenure

"Laid off Jollibee workers camp outside company warehouse," 28 June 2018

Jollibee workers... set up a campout they called ‘beehive’ at the gate of Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) warehouse in Parañaque...

Workers slammed the termination of agency service contracts of JFC with Toplis Solution and Staff Search Agency that led to the massive dismissal of hundreds of its warehouse workers.

During the protest, workers expressed their rage against JFC’s non-adherence to the labor department’s compliance order to regularize thousands of its store crew members.

“We call on the Duterte government to take up decisive actions for the benefit and welfare of the hundreds of jobless workers of this abusive fast-food giant. JFC workers deserve regularization, higher wages, substantial benefits and better working conditions,”...

SM-JFC and Defend Job Philippines also enjoined the public to support their struggle for reinstatement and regularization by temporarily restraining from patronizing products of JFC and its affiliates and subsidiaries.