Qatar: Kenyan security worker describes salary delays, poor living conditions & contract substitution
日期: 2020年8月19日
地点: 卡塔尔
Not Reported ( 安保公司 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 1 - 肯尼亚 , 安保公司 , Gender not reported )议题
食物权 , 招聘费 , Contract Substitution , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions , Restricted mobility , Personal Health , Wage Theft , 剥夺迁徙自由回应
Response sought: 否
后续行动: None reported.
信息来源: NGO
“I came to work in Qatar to pursue my dreams, but my life is a nightmare,” 19 Aug 2020
The soaring unemployment rate in Kenya, my home country, pushes thousands of young people to look for jobs overseas…
a local recruiting agent who agreed to facilitate my visa and job application process for a security guard job. He demanded $1,500 in recruitment fees…
when he handed me my paperwork hours before my departure, I discovered my visa and employment contract were for a cleaning position…
My new company made it a point to inform me that they themselves never give workers the permission to change jobs…
the four hours of overtime I put in daily are ignored in my pay slips, I work seven days a week without a day off, wages are delayed for up to three months… they don’t even provide us with a food allowance…