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Myanmar: Garment workers allege Workplace Coordination Committees in factories work in collusion with employers to 'oppress' workers; incl. co. responses

In December 2022, it was reported that Workplace Coordination Committees formed since the military coup in garment factories in Myanmar were working in collusion with employers and senior management at to oppress workers. In particular, it was reported that a worker at the Saung Oo Shwe Nay (Golden Sunshine) factory, an alleged H&M supplier, had been beaten by their supervisor. The worker went to complain to the Workplace Coordination Committee at the factory, but it did nothing to solve the situation. Furthermore, it was also reported that workers at Myanmar Guotai Huasheng Glory Fashion, an alleged Primark, Auchan and Pimkie supplier, were facing a series of violations, including Workplace Coordination Committees allegedly working together with employers to oppress workers, verbal abuse from supervisors, and denial of leave.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited H&M, Primark, Auchan, Pimkie and Tendam. The responses can be found below.


Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) 浏览回应
