Argentina: Workers at Glencore's El Aguilar mine strike for improved safety and working conditions
日期: 2019年7月1日
地点: 阿根廷
Minera Aguilar (part of Integra Capital previously part of Glencore) - Subsidiary , Glencore - Parent Company项目
El Aguilar - Unknown受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 - 未知行业 , Gender not reported )议题
Strikes and other work stoppages , Occupational Health & Safety回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: Press release
"Argentina – historic march to victory in Glencore mine", 1 July 2019
Workers from IndustriALL affiliate Asociación Obrera Minera Argentina (AOMA) stopped work at the El Aguilar mine for a week. They also organized a 270 kilometre long march.
The union demanded that authorities put pressure on Glencore into meeting the demands, including:
• improvements of working conditions
• an effective safety plan
• dismissal of the general manager for mistreating workers and ignoring safety measures
After the march and a protest in front of the Government House on 24 June, union leaders met with authorities from the provincial government. AOMA denounced the increasingly dangerous work and abusive treatment received from management. Workers raised the issue of inadequate ventilation in the mine and lack of maintenance of the emergency exhaust stacks.
On 25 June, the company agreed to dismiss the general manager and to implement a plan, approved together with the Ministry of Labour during conciliation procedures, guaranteeing health and safety conditions in the mine.
AOMA Nacional general secretary Héctor Laplace, says “The agreement with the authorities and Glencore is a step to diminish the conflict. We will monitor the agreed plan, which means looking after the workers, respecting the agreements and the workers.”...