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Askar Security Services

Askar Security Services response to Global Policy Forum report on UN use of private military & security companies

UN peace keeping mission in DRC(MONUSCO) hired Askar Security based on Askar Security's competency and the fact that we met their procurement requirements.With increasing global terror risk,UN was looking out for a competent and experienced global company and we exceedingly met that requirement,so it's absolutely unfair to insinuate that our success locally and internationally has to do with our Managing Director's relations with the first family,it's purely based on our principled performance and commitment to our values. Askar Security Services has never worked or had a working relationship with SOC-SMG, it would be prudent if Global Policy could prove to you the documented allegation of exploitation of guards under the said NON-Existing contract. ASKAR Security Services has never contracted any guard or Security personnel to work in Iraq,Afghanistan,Somalia or any international assignment at a rate of $400. We are more than willing to provide proof,if only you can visit our offices and we avail all the contracts we signed with our personnel on international assignments. If you can provide the specifics of the interviewee mentioned by Global Policy on the allegations specifically made against our managing director,we will provide you a copy of his or her contract with ASKAR Security services.
