Australia: About 200 people in Jarrahdale protest against mining company's expansion with allegations of pursuing plan to clear forest land
日期: 2024年8月1日
地点: 澳大利亚
Alcoa - Parent Company , Alcoa World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC) - Subsidiary项目
Huntly mine受影响的
受影响的总人数: 200
小区: ( 200 - 澳大利亚 , 采矿 , Gender not reported )议题
Impact on notable or protected areas , 影响评估 , Insufficient/inadequate consultation , 抗议信息来源: News outlet
"Protestors send a message to Alcoa", 1 August 2024
Up to 200 people braved the rain in Jarrahdale ... to send a clear message to Alcoa about its plan to expand its bauxite mining capacity in the northern Jarrah forests.
“We’re here because we’re absolutely gutted that there’s still a proposal on the table for 8300 hectares of clearing around Dwellingup and the Serpentine Dam,” Jarrahdale Forest Protectors deputy chair Dr Jeff Bremer said…
With bauxite supply and quality in Alcoa’s Huntly mine dwindling, the company is pursuing a ‘transition’ plan to clear just over 8300 hectares of jarrah forest to the east of Jarrahdale and Holyoake. The so-called Pinjarra Alumina Refinery Revised Proposal – which is currently being assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) – will allow Alcoa to keep mining in the region for at least the next decade.
…, Alcoa made an application to clear up to 20 hectares of forest to the north east of the Serpentine Dam for preliminary testing.
… “This was a symbolic act to say: ‘you’re being very arrogant’. You’re yet to get approvals. And we think that’s very wrong’,” she said.
Alcoa has responded to the protest by saying they encourage feedback and open communication with the community.
“Alcoa Australia respects the rights of community members to speak up on matters that are of interest to them. We also welcome and invite the opportunity of direct dialogue and engagement with interested community members,” a company spokesperson said.
After considering public submissions opposing the ‘investigative and monitoring’ works, Alcoa revised its footprint down to an 18.5-hectare envelope, with a clearing area of 11 hectares.
… Pending approval, Alcoa has confirmed it plans to start work within the Holyoake mining region in mid-2027, and then the Myara North mining region in 2028.