Australia: Two workers suffer critical burns at Queensland mine site after steam vent opened; operations suspended and investigation underway
日期: 2024年4月26日
地点: 澳大利亚
Glencore - Parent Company , Mount Isa Mines Limited - Subsidiary项目
Mt Isa受影响的
受影响的总人数: 2
工人: ( 2 - 澳大利亚 , 采矿 , Men )议题
Occupational Health & Safety , 受伤 , 雇员信息来源: News outlet
"Mount Isa Mines copper smelter worker suffers burns to 60 per cent of his body in workplace incident", 26 April 2024
Two men are in critical condition after suffering significant burns at an outback Queensland mine site.
The contract workers were at the Mount Isa Mines copper smelter when a steam vent opened adjacent to where they were working.
A 26-year-old man suffered burns to 60 per cent of his body from the neck down and is in an induced coma and on assisted breathing.
The second worker, a 25-year-old, suffered burns to 50 per cent of his face and neck.
The men were airlifted to Brisbane overnight.
In a statement, Glencore confirmed that smelter operations were currently suspended.
A Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) spokesperson said an investigation was underway.
"An RSHQ inspector travelled to the site and issued a directive to isolate the scene," the spokesperson said.
"Two RSHQ investigators from the serious incident investigation unit are currently at the site."
Both workers were transported to Mount Isa Base Hospital before being airlifted by the Royal Flying Doctor Service to the burns unit at the Royal Brisbane Hospital.
Queensland Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals Scott Stewart says the industry has a responsibility to ensure workers remain safe.
"My thoughts are with the workers and their families at what is obviously a very difficult time," he said.
"I expect there to be a full and thorough investigation into this incident." Bottom of Form