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Oliver Laughland and Ben Doherty, The Guardian

Australia/Nauru: Nauru staff report persistent child abuse and self-harm, leaked documents show


... Guardian Australia has obtained, from a number of sources, minutes of welfare meetings and a Transfield intelligence report, which detail some of the child protection and abuse concerns in Nauru camps. Those documents show, in the week beginning 2 June: A 17-year-old boy who attempted suicide with a razor after being told he was not allowed access to the internet; A 16-year-old girl who told her case workers she had been tormented and sexually harassed by detention centre security guards. The girl reported a number of male Nauruan employees “have tried to hug her, kiss her, told her they would marry her and asked her to have a ‘sexy party’”. ... Morrison announced on Friday that his acting department head, Phillip Moss, would head an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse of children in Nauru’s detention centres.