AZFEN 未有对(XX)作出回应
Qinterra AS did not respond
适用语言: English -
ALTUS Intervention did not respond
适用语言: English -
BP response
适用语言: English -
AZFEN did not respond
适用语言: English -
Global Energy Azerbaijan did not respond
适用语言: English -
SOCAR did not respond
适用语言: English -
Report for 2016 on Evaluation of the implementation of legislation on labor, economic, social and civil rights in Azerbaijan’s oil sector
适用语言: English -
“Azersu” OJSC did not respond
适用语言: English -
Maersk Drilling response
适用语言: English -
McDermott International did not respond
适用语言: English -
Schlumberger did not respond
适用语言: English