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Bangladesh: International groups issue statements condemning illegal construction of Marriott resort without consent from Mro community; incl. company response

Eminent citizens, local groups, and international organisations such as Amnesty International have expressed their condemnation of Marriott International and R&R Holding Ltd's alleged plans to begin construction and development of a five-star hotel and amusement park in at Bandarban's Chandrapahar, popularly known as Chimbuk. This is being done without the informed prior, free consent of the Mro community and would be "a threat to the existence of the local culture, heritage and ecosystem..."

In December 2020, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited both Marriott International and R&R Holdings Ltd. to respond. Marriott International responded and their response is included in full. R&R Holdings Ltd. did not respond.


Marriott 浏览回应
R&R Holdings Limited (part of Sikder Group)

