Brazil: 12-year-old Yanomami girl murdered after being raped by illegal miners

ISA - Instituto Socioambiental
President of the Yanomami and Yek'wana Indigenous Health District Council (Condisi-YY) Júnior Hekurari reported on 25 April that a 12-year-old girl was raped and killed, and a child lost after being thrown into a river. Hekurari says the incident is the result of an attack by miners against the Aracaçá community, which is located in the Waikás region, on Yanomami land in Roraima. Days after the attack the community was set on fire and several Indigenous community members who lived there went missing.
An appeal has grown on social media: "Where are the Yanomami?".
According to Júnior Hekurari, the indigenous people were located far from Aracaçá on May 6. Furthermore, some of them were found accompanied by illegal miners.
The Senate’s Human Rights Committee is sending a team to the Yanomami territory and authorities are investigating the case, considered by Minister Carmen Lúcia of the Supreme Court, a "very serious case" and "an outrage of humanity".