Brazil: Report exposes the links between Dutch financial institutions and agribusiness lobby
“How Dutch banks finance agrilobby in Brazil”, 21 April 2024
New research by the Fair Bank Guide, in collaboration with the Brazilian research collective Olho de Ruralistas, exposes for the first time the lobbying practices in Brazil by the business customers of Dutch banks. Between 2019 and 2023 ABN AMRO, ING and Rabobank financed almost $2 billion to 18 key players within the agrilobby in Brazil…
In the first year after taking over from Bolsonaro, president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has suffered significant setbacks when it came to votes in the Brazilian Congress to strengthen legislation related to the environment and social protection. These defeats were engineered by the powerful agribusiness lobby, organized in the Institute Pensar Agro (IPA) and the Agribusiness Parliamentary Front (FPA)...
This study analyses the financial links between Dutch financial institutions and 18 key players in IPA and the agribusiness lobby in general: ADM, Bunge, Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, COFCO and Amaggi (soy and palm oil trade); Coamo, Olam, Mitsubishi, Tentos do Sul and Jotabasso (soy production); Marfrig, Minerva and JBS (beef), Suzano, Klabin, Marubeni and Stora Enso (pulp & paper)...
In the period 2019 - 2023, the three major Dutch banks Rabobank, ABN Amro and ING Group have provided US$ 1.89 billion in financing to these 18 key agribusiness players. …demonstrates that the lobby activities of the companies with which the Rabobank is involved are in violation with their own sustainability standards…