China Investment Corporation 未有对(XX)作出回应
印度尼西亚:世行内部监察机构称中国有色集团支持的锌铅矿项目给土著社区和环境带来“极高” 风险
印度尼西亚:国际金融公司监管部门就涉嫌向有争议的矿业项目提供贷款一事对中国邮政储蓄银行(Postal Savings Bank of China)展开调查
China Investment Corporation did not respond
适用语言: English -
Bank of China did not respond
适用语言: English -
China Development Bank did not respond
适用语言: English -
Export-Import Bank of China did not respond
适用语言: English -
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China could not be reached
适用语言: English -
China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation did not respond
适用语言: English -
China Nonferrous Metal Mining did not respond
适用语言: English