Colombia: Coal mine Cerrejón informs of the launching of an agreement with the Wayuu Indigenous community
Dialogue table between Cerrejón and the community of Provincial. (Image courtesy of Cerrejón).
“Cerrejón, Colombian Indigenous community launch agreement over environmental concerns”, 18 March 2021
...Colombian coal mine Cerrejón informed of the launching of a previously announced agreement with the Wayuu Indigenous community of Provincial, in the northern La Guajira department. According to Cerrejón, which is owned by BHP Group, Anglo American and Glencore, 16 traditional authorities, the town council governor of the Provincial Indigenous Reservation, and the mine, kicked off the activities contemplated in the agreement with an open dialogue and traditional ceremonies...The implementation of the agreement involves building and endowing a new health centre in Provincial, an environmental rehabilitation program in different areas of the Reservation, and the creation of a nursery expected to produce 100,000 plants per year and generate income for the community...Built 30 years ago, Cerrejón is an integrated mining and transportation complex that includes an open-pit mine, a 150-kilometre railway line and a Caribbean port. In 2020, the mine produced 12.4 million tonnes of coal, almost 52% less than the output it registered the year before...