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内容有以下的语言版本: English, español



El Tiempo

COP27: Colombian government calls on leaders of the Amazonian countries to form a block to safe rainforest

This is an unofficial translation from Spanish by the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.

"COP 27: Colombia will propose the creation of an Amazonian block against deforestation", 01 Nov 2022

A large Amazonian bloc. This is the proposal to be presented by the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development [of Colombia], Susana Muhammad, in the framework of the COP 27 on Climate Change, to be held this week in Egypt. "We will call all the environment ministers and leaders of the Amazonian countries to hold a meeting within the framework of the COP to form this Amazonian block, which has a global repercussion. Not only the cooperation between us, but we must unite as Amazonian block so that it really is a work of the world to save this great resource", expressed the Minister of Environment, Susana Muhamad. And she added: "With the recent triumph of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Brazil, we will finally be able to build this great block with the purpose of saving the Amazon biome, and not only the Colombian Amazon"..."We were able to reach an agreement with the tax reform drafters and the Ministry of Finance on the creation of a fund that will allow for more flexible access to resources and execution in the process of ecological restoration of the Amazon rainforest and other strategic ecosystems in the country"...According to the minister, this fund will have resources from international cooperation, the private sector and the public sector...
