Countdown to the Climate Summit: Global Witness profiles 10 environmental advocates killed for taking a stance against abuses by companies
…Global Witness research has revealed that every week at least two people are killed defending their land from environmental destruction…Global Witness is profiling ten activists slain this last year on our environmental frontiers. The victims were all ordinary people who took a stand against the damage wrought by industries like logging, mining, agribusiness and hydropower…Rigoberto Lima Choc was shot dead in broad daylight…in Sayaxché, Guatemala…Lima Choc and his colleagues were the first to document the…destruction caused by palm oil company REPSA…Water pollution said to have been caused by pesticides left thousands of fish dead and affected over 12,000 people…[I]n the Philippines…Dionel Campus and…Bello Sinzo were assassinated…by the Maghat-Bagani, who peppered them with bullets in front of their neighbours. Campus was the chairperson of the indigenous group Mapasu, which campaigned against the encroachment of large-scale mining and logging onto indigenous land and other human rights violations against the Lumad people...[Also refers to Asian Pulp & Paper]