Defining Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
Business and Human Rights Seminar report maps the landscape of corporate complicity in human rights abuses, and addresses the dichotomy of mandatory laws versus voluntary codes...In terms of complicity, John Ruggie sees the clearest judicial definition as being rendered by the US Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit, in the Unocal case...The Alien Tort Claims Act ( ATCA) case referred to was brought by 15 Burmese villagers alleging that Unocal commissioned Burmese soldiers to protect its Yadana gas pipeline knowing they committed murder, rape, and forced labor...Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan cited the cases of Yahoo revealing the identity of journalist Shi Tao to Chinese authorities, and Chevron quelling a protest by calling on Nigerian Joint Task Force soldiers, who killed one demonstrator. [also refers to BP, Goldman Sachs]