“Die First, and I'll Pay You Later”: Saudi Arabia’s ‘Giga-Projects’ Built on Widespread Labor Abuses
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Saudi Manpower Supply Company (SMASCO) - Employer , Public Investment Fund - Other Value Chain Entity受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 - 未知行业 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )议题
Irregular Work , Wage Theft , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy , Restricted mobility , Contract Substitution , 招聘费 , Precarious/Unsuitable Living Conditions回应
已邀请回应:是,由Human Rights Watch
回应的外部链接: (查看更多)
后续行动: The company did not respond to HRW. Researchers identified Saudi Manpower Supply Company as a company either specifically engaged in either PIF-linked projects such as NEOM and the Red Sea Project or backed or partially owned by PIF or serve other PIF-backed companies.
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Red Sea Global - Other Value Chain Entity , Public Investment Fund - Other Value Chain Entity其他
Not Reported ( 职业介绍所 ) - Recruiter受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 - 未知行业 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )议题
招聘费 , Reasonable Working Hours & Leisure Time , Wage Theft , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy , Restricted mobility , Contract Substitution信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Takamol Holding - Other Value Chain Entity其他
Not Reported ( 行业未知/不适用 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 - 未知行业 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
Restricted mobility , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy , 信息获取回应
已邀请回应:是,由Human Rights Watch
回应的外部链接: (查看更多)
后续行动: In their response to a Human Rights Watch question on the number of successfully completed job transfer requests, Takamol Holding wrote, “Since 2021, a total of 4,389,950 sponsor transfer requests have been submitted via Qiwa platform.” However, Takamol did not share how many transfer requests were successfully completed, nor provide a detailed breakdown on the reasons for rejected requests. In their response on Human Rights Watch’s question about accessibility of the Qiwa platform for migrant workers, Takamol Holding wrote, “Qiwa offers its services in six different languages to cater to the diverse linguistic needs of the workforce in Saudi Arabia. Qiwa also regularly conducts workshops, with a minimum of 50 sessions held annually. Additionally, a knowledge center on the Qiwa website provides detailed service explanations, frequently asked questions, and guidelines.”
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Public Investment Fund - Other Value Chain Entity其他
Not Reported ( 建筑 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 , 建筑 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
Restricted mobility , 招聘费 , Contract Substitution回应
已邀请回应:是,由Human Rights Watch
后续行动: PIF did not respond to HRW.
信息来源: News outlet
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 家具 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 尼珀尔 , 制造业:综合 , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )议题
招聘费 , Contract Substitution , Reasonable Working Hours & Leisure Time , Wage Theft回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: News outlet
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 行业未知/不适用 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 40
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 尼珀尔 - 未知行业 , Gender not reported , Documented migrants )议题
Contract Substitution , Irregular Work , 信息获取 , Restricted mobility , 恐吓和威胁回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 制造业:综合 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 , 制造业:综合 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
Contract Substitution , Reasonable Working Hours & Leisure Time , Denial of leave , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
NEOM Co. - Other Value Chain Entity , Public Investment Fund - Other Value Chain Entity受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 , 建筑 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
招聘费 , Contract Substitution , Wage Theft , Heat exposure , Restricted mobility , 疾病 , Occupational Health & Safety , 食物权 , Reasonable Working Hours & Leisure Time , Excessive production targets , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy , 水的获取 , Denial of leave回应
已邀请回应:是,由Human Rights Watch
回应的外部链接: (查看更多)
后续行动: Human Rights Watch received responses from NEOM, saying they intend to respond in the near future.
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 行业未知/不适用 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 数字未知
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 - 未知行业 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
死亡 , Occupational Health & Safety , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 清洁与保养 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 1
外劳和移民工人: ( 1 - 印度 , 清洁与保养 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
死亡 , Occupational Health & Safety , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 清洁与保养 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 1
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 , 清洁与保养 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
Wage Theft , 死亡回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 食品和饮料 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 1
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 地点未知 , 食品和饮料 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
死亡 , Access to Non-Judicial Remedy , 信息获取回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: NGO
日期: 2024年12月4日
地点: 沙特阿拉伯
Not Reported ( 建筑 ) - Employer受影响的
受影响的总人数: 1
外劳和移民工人: ( 数字未知 - 尼珀尔 , 建筑 , Men , Unknown migration status )议题
死亡 , 信息获取回应
Response sought: 否
信息来源: NGO
...Migrant workers are the engine of Saudi Arabia’s massive construction boom. There are 13.4 million migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, representing 42 percent of the country’s population. Yet despite their indispensable contributions, Human Rights Watch has found, based on interviews with 156 current and former workers from Saudi Arabia or workers’ family members between 2023-2024, that migrant workers are facing widespread labor abuses across employment sectors and geographic regions. Saudi authorities are systematically failing to protect them from and remedy these abuses.
This blatant failure to protect migrant workers creates a near certainty that the 2034 World Cup, which the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has engineered to award to Saudi Arabia as the sole bidder, will be stained with pervasive rights violations...
The FIFA World Cup is just one of the significant planned projects requiring massive construction under Vision 2030. Saudi Arabia’s government has been on a petro-wealth spending spree over the past half decade that has allocated hundreds of billions of dollars to develop megaprojects and self-described “giga-projects” across the country...