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Electronics workers face dismissal, suspension of collective bargaining agreements, cancellation of wage increases

"Facing challenges in the ICT, electrical and electronics sector", (1 July 2020)

The ... impact [of the Covid-19 pandemic] on the ICT, electrical and electronics sectors [ICT EE] was a central topic when the IndustriALL steering committee for the sector met in June. ...

ICT EE workers in telecommunication, energy and healthcare divisions report a higher workload than usual.

Unions from around the world are reporting cases of employers using Covid-19 as an excuse to dismiss workers, suspend CBAs and cancel wage increases.

Thai union TEAM filed a grievance when 12 subcontracted women were laid off.

Focusing on a functioning solution in times of crisis, Swedish union Unionen, reported on a tripartite agreement for short-term work with state support. ...

There are strong concerns over securing workers’ health and safety rights, especially in factories in Latin America ... Brazilian unions report that Covid-19 has revealed structural inequalities in the countries, with women facing great difficulties. 

In Japan, improvements have been made on a Covid-19 related directive on health and safety measures for pregnant women on the initiative of a woman parliament member from the JEIU union. ...
