Ethiopia: Human rights organisations call on parties in Tigray conflict to cease attempts to censor population & conceal war crimes through internet shutdowns
"What’s happening in Tigray? Internet shutdowns avert accountability", 29 July 2021.
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling on all parties in Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict to cease any attempts to censor the population and conceal war crimes through internet shutdowns...
Since the start of the conflict in November 2020, internet and telecommunication shutdowns, and website blockings, have been used as a weapon of information control and censorship by involved parties. To date, broadband and mobile internet remains off, and Tigray remains blacked out...
The #KeepItOn coalition once again urges all parties in the Tigray conflict to:
- Stop shutting down the internet and digital communication services...; and
- Immediately facilitate conditions to enable the reinstatement of full internet access in all areas currently targeted by internet shutdowns.
Ethiopian government:
- Stop arbitrarily shutting down access to the internet, telephone communication, and social media platforms...;
- Order the internet service provider, Ethio Telecom, to equally provide all people with high-quality, secure, and unrestricted internet access;
- Ensure that “additional steps are taken to protect against human rights abuses by business enterprises that are owned or controlled by the state,” such as Ethio Telecom...; and
- Order the internet service provider, Ethio Telecom, to inform internet users of any potential shutdowns, and to take all reasonable steps to fix any disruptions to service.