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Free Malaysia Today

FGV aims to be taken off US list with reimbursement drive

FGV Holdings Bhd (FGV) has embarked on a six-month drive to reimburse recruitment fees to its former migrant workers who joined the agribusiness and food company after September 2018.

The reimbursement drive is understood to be an attempt to get itself off a US agency list, which saw its products banned from entering the country...

FGV has so far reimbursed RM72.2 million to nearly 20,153 of its migrant workers and RM1.77 million to 415 of its former migrant workers.

The company has reportedly implemented a recovery plan to reduce the risk of forced labour in its operations, which includes an allocation of RM605 million for the construction of new housing for workers and improvements to their living conditions.

It has also allocated RM22.2 million to improve access to safe drinking water supply and RM15 million to improve internet access for workers, especially in remote operational areas...

A spokesman, who confirmed the post on the reimbursement, said the decision to do so was made after an independent review found that migrant workers might have paid recruitment fees and related costs to secure a job with FGV...

“Any former employee at FGV in Malaysia who previously paid recruitment fees to agents, sub-agents, or brokers in their home country may be eligible for reimbursement,” the spokesman said, adding that this included workers who had left without resigning, or absconded...
